About Us
About HisKingdom.Us
Thus says the LORD: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool; what is the house that you would build for me, and what is the place of my rest? All these things my hand has made, and so all these things came to be, declares the LORD. But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.” Isaiah 66:1-2
There is a persistent underlying theme throughout the entire Bible that clearly communicates the loving presence of an eternal Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, and Sovereign King of the universe who rules His Kingdom in heaven and on earth with compassion, mercy, justice, and wisdom. This King is devoted to and deeply invested in the lives and welfare of those creatures whom He made in His Image, namely Us, He grieves over the mess we’ve made and yearns to bring all things to a fruitful fulfillment.
How do we discover what His Kingdom is all about and where we fit in? HisKingdom.Us is an earnest attempt to make plain sense of matters that have become profoundly confused over the years. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable, first in His sight and then in yours, as we seek His Kingdom together. Click here for more…

“But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. Matthew 5:34-35

Dr. Bill Morehouse
“I’m a happy person who loves getting to know and being able to help people of all ages. I connect with little children (and the little child in most adults) almost immediately. Sharing the joys and trials of relationships, pregnancy and delivery, and family life are the things about family practice that really lit my fire. I’ve found that having a sense of humor and seeing God’s love at work can see us through some of life’s most difficult times, if we can keep the faith and hang in there together.”
Author/Compiler Brief Bio
I grew up in the northeastern US, majored in Biology at Brown University, and then went on to medical school in Kentucky and postdoctoral residency training in Family Medicine at the University of Rochester. During my training in the socially troubled early 1970’s a medically cataclysmic event occurred down the road from us in Attica, NY, when the prison, state, and nation were rocked with a terrible jail riot that resembled a war massacre. I went in to study what had led to this catastrophe and came away committed to getting to the bottom of things. It was a spiritual journey that took me into the inner city to serve and deep into myself, my beliefs, and my need for God. Some of this journey was chronicled in an unusual literary work called Hydra that I assembled in 1973 and which awaits completion.
After coming to an awareness in 1974 that the God of the universe was alive, well, and cared not only for me but for all mankind, I went through a conversion experience and came out the other side with the heart of Luke, even more energized to be a vital part of the solution to the troubles that plague us – a passion that my wife Susan and I have shared since before we married over 43 years ago. We moved into the heart of our city, raised our family there, and opened a faith-based clinic right around the corner which grew into a wide-ranging nonprofit organization, His Branches, that operates a multi-site Federally Qualified Health Center serving thousands of inner city residents. Throughout it all Susan has been sacrificially supportive of me (including my mission work in the Middle East and Latin America), raised our children with amazing grace, and blessed the entire community as a professional harpist and energetic neighborhood and community volunteer and leader.
Over the years our family has continued to be delighted and challenged with our 4 wonderfully grown children (plus spouses) and 8 healthy and loveable grandchildren. We remain deeply invested in our extended family, church, community, and professions.
In July 2018, 40 years after founding His Branches, Susan and I “graduated into retirement” and have been captivated by a divine interest in the advancement of the Kingdom of God. In addition to traveling with Susan to explore God’s wonderful creation and visit family, I’ve been asked to do some teaching nationally, and have been working on HisKingdom.Us which represents some of the flowers and potential fruit of that interest. Since the onset of the COVID pandemic in 2020, and in anticipation of a dynamic Kingdom harvest, I’ve been actively involved in developing discipleship group study materials under the banner of Celebrate Salvation for new and renewed believers to become grounded in genuine faith in Christ.
Click here for more about my professional background or here for a fuller personal biography.