In search of the living ecclesia, an investigation into the spiritual development of human society.
Volume 2 of a proposed three-volume trilogy. Volume 1 was compiled, published in a limited edition of 100, distributed in July 1973, and republished privately on Lulu in 2010. Volumes 2 and 3 await compilation.

book 4 – God
“God” will be the first of three books in Volume 2, in which the author will explore the presence, nature, and spirit of the living God and the way his awareness was opened to ultimate realities deeper than and differing somewhat from those described in Volume 1.
We plan to make this book available in a printed form through Lulu in the same way that we did with the three books in Volume 1. Once published you will be able to preview the contents and order your own copy online.

book 5 – light
“Light” will investigate the properties of light and its role in the creation, expansion, and illumination of the universe, as well as its relationship to vision and revelation in all spheres of human endeavor. The significance of God’s introduction of light into the world and some practical applications will also be examined.
We plan to make this book available in a printed form through Lulu in the same way that we did with the three books in Volume 1. Once published you will be able to preview the contents and order your own copy online.

book 6 – fire
“Fire” will be the final book in Volume 2, in which the author plans to examine the testing, refining, purifying, and annealing aspects of fire and reflect on the Creator’s prophetic promise not to judge the world with water again, but rather fire, and what the implications of such a plan might be for the future as we know it.
We plan to make this book available in a printed form through Lulu in the same way that we did with the three books in Volume 1. Once published you will be able to preview the contents and order your own copy online.