Where are You?

Phases of Philosophical Development
We’re all somewhere in the middle between the beginning and the end, the bottom and the top, the beginner and the expert. We’re just starting to understand, or we’re changing our minds with new information, or we have things pretty well made up. Perhaps we feel fairly solid in what we believe but are open to other ways of looking at life. Or possibly we just know it all and have stopped growing and started fighting back. If you’ve gotten this far, I suspect that you’re somewhere on the spectrum developed by James Choung depicted above.
- Skeptic – You’ve heard and read about the Bible or grew up in a household with it but are pretty skeptical about what you think it has to say, perhaps because you disagree strongly with the political inclinations of some people who say they’re Christians. Or maybe you consider yourself to be an open minded person following a non-Biblical path and have left other paths to wisdom behind for now.
- Seeker – You’re still looking for a way of life that’s satisfying and has an increasingly solid sense of “rightness” for you about it. Religion may not be very appealing. You like people and living in the real world.
- Follower – You’re following a faith-based path of life reasonably well, perhaps one you learned as you were growing up or a point of view you developed later on. You’re open to Biblical perspectives.
- Leader – You’re confident that the Bible has timeless answers to our personal and social problems and offers a genuine future and hope to people everywhere.
- Changer – You’re so confident in your beliefs and faith that you want to apply them in changing the world for the better.
Website Navigation Tailored to You
We will be taking a journey together, looking together at the whole timeline of the Kingdom of God, beginning before the creation of the heavens and the earth, rediscovering God’s Glory in Creation and History, and then slowing down to pay some significant attention to where we are in space and time right now as we pass on toward getting a glimpse of our ultimate future, both here and in the world to come.
In the arrow diagram at the top of the page, do you find that one of the darker blue categories to the left better identifies you? Then choose the dark blue navigation button in the middle below until you’re out into the body of our website. If the lighter green categories to the right seem to fit you better, you’d probably enjoy the dark blue buttons also, but feel free to launch in with the light green navigation button to the right below. Whichever way you choose to proceed, please enjoy your time with us, come back often, and stay in touch!