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The Way In

Jesus and the Door to the Holy Place

The Tabernacle of Moses had three entrances:

  1. The Gate – the entry point into the Outer Court of the Tabernacle
  2. The Door – the entry point into the Holy Place; and
  3. The Veil – the entry point into the Holy of Holies

It will come as no surprise to the student of the Word that each entrance represents Jesus Himself, He who called Himself “the Door”.

“I am the door, whoever enters through me will be saved.” John 10:9

It’s all about Jesus. The study of the Tabernacle is simple when you realize it is all a testimony to God’s beloved Son. It is also a teaching tool He has given us to show us many wonderful truths about Christ and about us, the Church.

The Tabernacle of Moses in Exodus 25-30 (click image to enlarge)

The “I Am” Statements of Jesus

Jesus said ” I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life”

He was essentially declaring that He was the actual spiritual Temple joining Heaven and Earth foreshadowed by Moses’ Tabernacle. He was the High Priest of this Temple and would become the sacrificial lamb presented as the atonement for our sins granting us acceptance into His Kingdom. He invited us into Heaven’s spiritual reality through Him as “the Door” when He said that no one could come to eternal life in the Father except through Him.

The Door was the barrier in Moses’ Tabernacle between the Outer Court and the Holy Place. The 7 “I Am” statements of Jesus and the 7 miracles He performed confirmed that He was the minister over every area of the Heavenly Temple. Those miracles proved His authority to make such radical claims and that He truly was who He said He was.

Jesus, the I Am at the Tabernacle Entrances (click image to enlarge)

“The time has come,” Jesus said. “The Kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the Good News! …seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”


Sunlight flooding Jerusalem