His Kingdom Press
About His Kingdom Press

A new venture in 2020
It’s clear from the entire story revealed in HisKingdom.Us and unfolding around us that we’ve entered a challenging but auspicious time in human history. While division, strife, and even tribulation are spreading throughout our world, opportunities for the awakening and the establishment of vital faith are also increasing. As the Apostle Paul suggested in Romans 5:20, where sin abounds, grace abounds much more. The “good news” of the gospel message of God’s loving Kingdom thrives when people become very aware of the “bad news” generated by human failure.
As we approach the culmination of the age, we’re committed to stimulating skeptics and equipping believers in any way we can. An opportunity to promote a creative new discipleship study program has arisen (see below), prompting us to open a publishing arm. Only God knows where it will all go from here. Please join us in welcoming this new venture.
Celebrate Salvation Discipleship Series
An introductory discipleship experience with advanced material in progress
The Joy of Christian Discipleship Series will ultimately consist of seven short books covering Christian discipleship. The first three books (published in October 2020) – Saved, Sanctified, and Sent – are a guided weekly group study for new and reawakened believers who wish to ground their faith in the Love, Person, Power, and Truth of God’s Word. An auxiliary book of Handouts that completes Discipleship Course 1 is also available A supplementary 8-week daily devotional book called Essentials which outlines the 3 Stages and 7 Steps of Christian commitment in Scripture is in progress.
A more advanced Course 2 is being prepared for publication now, including three books on goals and destiny, starting with a study guide on Awakening (now in final group testing/editing) and progressing through to similar guides on the Kingdom of God and Heaven.
The format of Course 1 is a set of three small 68-page books as noted above (one for each Stage with significant expansion on the Great Commission in the third), designed to serve as study guides for small 2-10 member discipleship groups. Each guide is divided into twelve 4-page weekly studies containing four studies on each of the three steps in the first two booklets and four studies on three ways of carrying out the Great Commission, in Word, Deed, and Power, in the third. Course 2 will be very similar in layout and design. Please visit our dedicated website at the link beneath the Celebrate Salvation logo for full information about this project and how you can purchase books.
The Biblical “Appointed Times” or Festivals
including A Passover Seder and The Haggadah in Scripture
The first half of this new work, published by His Kingdom Press in late 2021, is an introduction to the Biblical “appointed times” or festivals given by G-d to Moses and outlined in Leviticus 23 as follows:
The LORD said to Moses, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘These are my appointed festivals, the appointed festivals of the LORD, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies… at their appointed times.’” Leviticus 23:1-2, 4
The second half goes into more detail about how the first of these, Passover or Pesach, can be celebrated by families or larger groups following an age-old pattern or Seder scripted by a program or Haggadah which carries forward all the traditional elements of the Passover Seder in its outline, components, instructions, and prayers. In addition, and in harmony with the tradition of keeping our Haggadah fresh and relevant, we have enhanced its timeless format with additional Scripture verses, songs, and other materials that support the underlying theme of Pesach.
For some this book may beg the question, “Why are we carefully examining and honoring something as old, and arguably outdated, as the festivals of ancient Israel?” Click on the cover image or button to purchase or find out more.